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"Dream. Believe. Survive." The words and tagline of the popular Philippine television show "StarStruck". StarStruck is the first reality-based artista search in primetime TV. It showcases the talent of every girl and boy in the show. Dancing, singing, acting; three primary skills which a person should have to be a star. 'Cause in StarStruck, everything is a test. So believe in the power of dreams and survive, STARSTRUCK!

Desccription: An unofficial website dedicated and made especially for the StarStruck star, Yasmien Kurdi. This site contains her profile, pictures, wallpapers, forum and many others.

Created: February 02, 2004
Internet Launching: February 07, 2004

Webmaster: Alron Bryan Valencia (4th Year Highschool)

News Reporters: Jerome Raymond Garcia, Herman Bagtas
Sound Head: Rommel Ordonio
Photographer: Alron Valencia, Jerome Raymond Garcia

You can still apply for any position in the Yasmien.Tk staff. The heads are temporary only for their not actually in the work. News reporters and photographers are the only slots available. You have no salary for the job; we are in need of people dedicated to the website and a Yasmien Kurdi fan. If you are interested in applying, just email at


















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